Classroom Peek Week of 12/17-12/21

Take a peek inside to see what vibrant lessons were happening inside of TCS classrooms this week!

In this issue:

  • 1st Grade used insects to practice alphabetizing by cutting out the different insect names and pasting them in correct alphabetical order onto a head crown.

  • 2nd Grade finished work on their Christmas cards and framed sunflower paintings inspired by their lesson on famed artist Vincent Van Gogh.

  • 5th Grade worked in pairs to complete an adjective challenge during an English lesson. Students also wrapped up their service learning project with Operation Gratitude by paying Brigitte a visit to learn how to use the electronic stamp machine so that they could mail all of their holiday letters to veterans.

  • 6th Grade wrapped up their lesson on Greek mythology by giving oral presentations on the different Gods and Goddesses they encountered while reading Percy Jackson & The Olympians.

  • 7th Grade did more work on their zentangle tiles in Science class.